List of Animals A-Z
Animals are amazing creatures that come in all shapes and sizes. From the tiny insects that live in the soil to the massive whales that swim in the oceans, there is no shortage of diversity in the animal kingdom.
Animals can be found all over the world and have adapted to live in a wide variety of environments. Some animals, like penguins , live in the coldest parts of the world, while others, like lions, live in the hottest. Some animals, like bats, live in the air, while others, like worms, live underground.
Animals play an important role in the ecosystem. They help to pollinate plants, disperse seeds, and control populations of other animals. Humans are also animals, and we share many similarities with other animals, such as our need for food, water, and shelter.
Here is a list of animals that have been identified so far.
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Jump to any letter
Animals that start with A
List of Animals that start with A
Animals that start with B
List of Animals that start with B
Animals that start with C
List of Animals that start with C
Animals that start with D
Dachshund Dalmatian Darwin’s Frog Deer Dhole Dingo Discus Doberman Pinscher Dodo Dog Dogo Argentino Dogue de Bordeaux Dolphin Donkey Dormouse Dragonfly Drever Duck Dugong Dunker Dusky Dolphin Dwarf Crocodile
List of Animals that start with D
Animals that start with E
Eagle Earwig Eastern Gorilla Eastern Lowland Gorilla Echidna Edible Frog Egyptian Mau Electric Eel Elephant Elephant Seal Elephant Shrew Elk Emperor Penguin Emu English Bulldog English Cocker Spaniel English Foxhound English Setter English Shepherd English Springer Spaniel Entlebucher Mountain Dog Epagneul Pont Audemer Eskimo Dog Estrela Mountain Dog
List of Animals that start with E
Animals that start with F
Falcon Fennec Fox Ferret Field Spaniel Fin Whale Finnish Spitz Fire-Bellied Toad Fish Fishing Cat Flamingo Flat Coat Retriever Flounder Fly Flying Squirrel Fossa Fox Fox Terrier French Bulldog Frigatebird Frilled Lizard Frog Fur Seal
List of Animals that start with F
Animals that start with G
Galapagos Tortoise Gar Gecko Gentoo Penguin Geoffroys Tamarin Gerbil German Pinscher German Shepherd Gharial Giant African Land Snail Giant Clam Giant Panda Giant Schnauzer Gibbon Gila Monster Giraffe Glass Lizard Glow Worm Goat Golden Lion Tamarin Golden Oriole Golden Retriever Goose Gopher Gorilla Grasshopper Great Dane Great White Shark Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Green Bee-Eater Greenland Dog Grey Mouse Lemur Grey Reef Shark Grey Seal Greyhound Grizzly Bear Grouse Guinea Fowl Guinea Pig Guppy
List of Animals that start with G
Animals that start with H
Hammerhead Shark Hamster Hare Harrier Havanese Hedgehog Hercules Beetle Hermit Crab Heron Highland Cattle Himalayan Hippopotamus Honey Bee Horn Shark Horned Frog Horse Horseshoe Crab Howler Monkey Human Humboldt Penguin Hummingbird Humpback Whale Hyena Hyrax
List of Animals that start with H
Animals that start with I
Ibis Ibizan Hound Iguana Impala Indian Elephant Indian Palm Squirrel Indian Rhinoceros Indian Star Tortoise Indochinese Tiger Indri Insect Irish Setter Irish Terrier Irish Water Spaniel Irish Wolfhound
List of Animals that start with I
Animals that start with J
Jack Russel Jackal Jaguar Japanese Chin Japanese Macaque Javan Rhinoceros Javanese Jellyfish
List of Animals that start with J
Animals that start with K
Kakapo Kangaroo Keel-Billed Toucan Kerry Blue Terrier King Crab King Penguin Kingfisher Kiwi Koala Komodo Dragon Kudu
List of Animals that start with K
Animals that start with L
Labradoodle Labrador Retriever Ladybird Lagotto Romagnolo Lakeland Terrier Lancashire Heeler Lanterna Lapphund Largemouth Bass Lark Leaf-Tailed Gecko Lemming Lemur Leopard Leopard Cat Leopard Seal Leopard Tortoise Liger Lion Lionfish Little Penguin Lizard Llama Lobster Long-Eared Owl Lynx
List of Animals that start with L
Animals that start with M
Macaw Magellanic Penguin Magpie Maine Coon Malayan Tiger Maltese Manatee Mandrill Manta Ray Manx Maremma Sheepdog Markhor Marsh Frog Mastiff Mayfly Meerkat Millipede Minke Whale Mole Molly Mongoose Mongrel Monitor Lizard Monkey Monty Moorhen Moose Moray Eel Morkie Moth Mountain Gorilla Mountain Lion Mouse Mule Muntjac
List of Animals that start with M
Animals that start with N
Neanderthal Neapolitan Mastiff Nebelung Newfoundland Newfypoo Ngorongoro Crater Nudibranch Numbat Nuthatch Nutria Nyala Nymph
List of Animals that start with N
Animals that start with O
List of Animals that start with O
Animals that start with P
Pademelon Panther Parrot Panthera Papillon Piranha Partridge Peacock Peekapoo Pekingese Pelican Penguin Persian Pheasant Pied Tamarin Pig Pika Pike Pink Fairy Armadillo Pit Bull Platypus Plott Pointer Polar Bear Pomeranian Poodle Porcupine Possum Prawn Proboscis Monkey Puffer Fish Puffin Pug Puma Puss Moth Pygmy Hippopotamus Pylons
List of Animals that start with P
Animals that start with Q
List of Animals that start with Q
Animals that start with R
Rabbit Raccoon Ragdoll Rat Rat Terrier Red Finch Red Fox Red Knee Tarantula Red Panda Red Wolf Red-handed Tamarin Reindeer Rhinoceros River Dolphin River Turtle Robin Rockfish Rottweiler
List of Animals that start with R
Animals that start with S
Sabre-Toothed Tiger Sable Saola Scorpion Scottish Deerhound Scottish Fold Sea Dragon Sea Lion Sea Otter Sea Slug Sea Squirt Sea Turtle Sea Urchin Seahorse Seal Serval Shrimp Siberian Silky Terrier Skunk Sloth Snail Snake Snowshoe Snowy Owl Somali South China Tiger Spadefoot Toad Sparrow Spectacled Bear Sperm Whale Spider Monkey Spiny Dogfish Sponge Squid Squirrel Squirrel Monkey Sri Lankan Elephant Staffordshire Bull Terrier Stag Beetle Starfish Steller’s Sea Cow Stick Insect Stingray Stoat Striped Rocket Frog Sumatran Elephant Sumatran Orangutan Sumatran Rhinoceros Sumatran Tiger Sun Bear Swan
List of Animals that start with S
Animals that start with T
Tamarin Tang Tapir Tarsier Tasmanian Devil Tawny Owl Teddy Roosevelt Terrier Teledu Tennessee Walking Horse Terrier Tetra Thorny Devil Tiger Tiger Salamander Tiger Shark Tortoise Tortoiseshell Cat Toucan Tree Frog Tropicbird Tuatara Tuna Turkey Turkish Angora
List of Animals that start with T
Animals that start with U
Uakari Uguisu Umbrellabird Unicorn Urial
List of Animals that start with U
Animals that start with V
Vampire Bat Vampire Squid Van Cat Vervet Monkey Vulture
List of Animals that start with V
Animals that start with W
Wallaby Walrus Warthog Wasp Water Buffalo Water Dragon Water Vole Weasel Welsh Corgi Welsh Springer Spaniel West Highland White Terrier Westie Whale Shark Whippet White Rhinoceros White Tiger Wild Boar Wildebeest Wolf Wolverine Wombat Woodlouse Woodpecker Woolly Mammoth Worm Wrasse Wreckfish Wren
List of Animals that start with W
Animals that start with X
List of Animals that start with X
Animals that start with Y
Yak Yellow-Eyed Penguin Yorkshire Terrier
List of Animals that start with Y
Animals that start with Z
List of Animals that start with Z